i know everyone who gives two shits about pop culture has been wondering the same thing about their favorite popular celebrities (or perhaps even the ones they love to hate) that i have:
whats going to happen to this poor, oppressed peoples once the financial hardships of depression, recession, or maybe some new kind of ion sets in.
well it wasn't easy, but after struggling through some research related hardships of my own, i came up with some answers. as it turns out, hollywood was barely affected by the great depression of 1929, compared to EVERY OTHER INDUSTRY. for some ungodly reason, americans maintained their movie going habits and chose to watch escapist movies about 'fantasy' and 'hope' and 'love' rather than face reality with a few extra trusty cans of beans in their side pockets. hollywood knew what people wanted MORE AMERICAN DREAM crammed down their throats with an extra helping of patriotism and optimism (for lube).
thats why i plan to take full advantage of this, should stephen harper get re-elected and careen our figurative economic b-52 on the 'same steady path' towards wall streets awaiting AA guns. thats right, i'm going to use my ultra ghetto budget skills to set up a stage at my own house and perform plays using paper mache and sock puppets. maybe i'll dream up some never thought of before screenplay and then sell it to hollywood later after they realize my mad cashing-in-on-the-depression skillz. or i may just do some hipster puppetry remakes like resevoir dogs or boondock saints. better yet, i'll just rip off movies they already made in 1929 and the early 30's before hollywood gets a chance to, then sell their fat asses back to them. all this misery and sufferings gonna make me some mad green.