I was once suckered into thinking Lil Wayne MIGHT be talented after Chris played me Milli. I liked that song and still do. But after one Wayne screams into his microphone for a million hours, eventually something came out sounding good. Or maybe he didn't have anything to do with what was good about the song. All I know is that I listened to lots of what he put out (he has like 1700 songs) and couldn't find anything else good. All it was was him crying whining and bragging about how awesome he is and how he likes to have sex with random women.
Still, even when I don't like something, I like to figure out why other people like things. So I saw a documentary on Lil Wayne and decided to check it out and maybe get some more insight. Instead I just ended up putting myself through a 1 hour 15 minutes ego fest of a delusional boy with diamond and platinum and shit in his mouth. Minus the part at the end of the documentary where he apparently told the director to go fuck himself and they just cut and pasted a bunch of stock footage of him smiling in slow motion.
For starters, he's not even into banging women. Throughout the documentary he states repeatedly that he doesn't have time for women and isn't interested anyway; he just wants to smoke blunts and drink syrup (cough syrup no i'm serious) and make music. As admirable as that is, why does he rap about being hard and banging women? Isn't keeping it real about singing about what you actually do and like to do instead of pandering to the audience. Do his fans even think he's hard? He isn't. If you don't believe me watch the documentary. He is a money hungry corporate owned egomaniac who can rap but cannot sing without the help of his fakeass voice modulation studio faking his inflections and emotion for him and telling him who his new sponsor is and what advertisement to wear today. Good job living the american dream.