Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Imma go home and practice dancing after i write this

If you know me you might know that I've been spending far too much time reading a lot about Michael Jackson, in my attempt to capture his essence and cram it into a ganster rap song. We're not here today to talk about my mania, or the irony of my obsession over pop culture, but instead we're going to talk about one of my other obsessions: dancing. You see in Michael Jackson's video/movie career, a common theme develops.

The guy, like all guys, has problems. But he solves his problems by DANCING and making his enemies his allies by dancing with him and producing some badass complicated coriography in the process. He however maintains total control, being the head dancer and still way better dancer than his adversaries, they merely following his lead the best way they can. Sometimes they exaust themselves by dancing without proper pre dance stretching, but most of the time after they dance a little while they just realize what a great guy he is and how can they kill a guy after he adds some boss moves to their repitoire. This isn't just an isolated zombie related incident, I mean the guy solves problems in outer space and everywhere with this One Size Fits All solution.

So I couldn't help but think of how much like real life this was. If my boss were to fire me for not doing my job properly, if I were an amazing dancer, I'd just be like

"Oh yeah, my performace has been somewhat atrocious Mr. Chu, but what do ya think of this?"

And then proceed to bust out in an uprock routine where I show him and whoever else happens to be in the room all sides of my feet before going into some downrock power moves before a one handed air freeze finale.

I guarentee you he'd forget all about what I did wrong and think only of the last experience he had with me, my amazing dance moves. Then he would offer me a raise and possibly try to stuff dollar bills down my pants, which I would accept out of politeness.

I'm a fan of quoting Johnny Cash, one line in particular "Get rhythm when you get the blues". I can guarentee you that in 1993 through 2006 amidst all the pedophelia accusations Michael was getting, that he was glad he was such a great dancer, because when you're nervous about showing up in court the next day or a 25 minute strip search, sometimes you just need to dance the stress away.

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