Tuesday, September 29, 2009


This weekend I got to see one of my favorite Canadian artists, Buck 65.  However, the downside was that I paid the ironic amount of $65 for it.  Not that I dont' mind paying to see Buck 65.  I think $30 is a reasonable amount to see Buck 65, as long as he played for a long time.  I can't remember how long he played on Saturday, probably like an hour and a half.  He is a great performer.  He was by himself, with a turntable, mixer, scratch device and laptop to work with.  Last time I saw him was with DJ Skratch Weezil who did all the non singing work.  That was a great show too.

Besides that however, I wanted to see another great band, Holy Fuck.  We  were at Element where Holy Fuck was playing, and the opener DonkeyDong was already halfway through the set.
My friend Dave jumped in front of me wielding a Canadian, the cheapest beer at the bar.
"Hey I was talking to my niece, and apparently people were waiting for Mother last night for 2 hours and still didn't get in"

"Oh shit."

"Yeah.  I'm thinking if we need to see this show, we need to go before the Holy Fuck set ends, because other people are going to try the same thing."

"Shit man, we should leave right now then just to be sure."

"Okay just let me finish my beer"

We stuck around another 15 minutes and then headed over to Market Square.  There was no lineup, but the venue immediately filled up as soon as we got there.  We were there before 9 and we just made it under the wire.  We ended up drinking in the beer garden for the next 3 and a half hours, which wasn't so bad, but we missed Holy Fuck and none of the bands proceeding Buck (especially Jets Overhead) were terrible and deserved nothing less than being wholly ignored.

Point being, music festivals are not worth the cost, unless you are guaranteed to see all the shows you want to see unhindered.

Also, Final Fantasy didn't play because he was sick, or maybe he was "sick".  He canceled last time I went to Victoria too.  Anyways, I didn't get my moneys worth and a refund would be nice.  $60 * 2000 tickets = $120,000

1 comment:

Daniel said...

True story. I've noticed that festivals tend to put two or more bands that I want to see up at the same time on different stages. I'll just as soon go to small shows more often.