Thursday, October 15, 2009

I got sick lately.  I don't get sick too often, and I hate it, probably more than you do.  This wasn't a normal sickness, either.  This was a viscous organism with vampire teeth and blood oozing from it's body.  My roomate brought it home from the hospital where he works.  He also spread it to the entire house the same night he caught it.  my other friends got sick too within a day or two.  I've never seen anything like it.  Some people had fevers, but I guess I was lucky and got by without that or even a sore throat.  But I got all the other crap - chest cough runny nose and achiness.

Its been a few days now, and we are starting to recover, taken days off work, but of course I was still not quite over my sickness when I had to go back to work since I used all my sick days.  Its funny because the whole point of sick days is that 1)It gives that person time to rest and 2) Stops the rest of the company from getting sick because that will lower net productivity.

Of course most people in charge of productivity and sick days either cant' see that many steps ahead (beyond giving employees the bare minimum mandated by government) or they are ordered to by executives to do so.  In any case, people who are sick always end up working and probably spread it around a bit.
The first day I called in to say I was sick my supervisor, who is an older gentleman, and the first thing on his mind was, of course, swine flu.

"You should go to the doctor and get checked.  It is very serious."

"Yeah okay." I replied politely.  I did end up calling the nurse hotline, 811 in Canada, who went through a list of questions and then told me my symptoms weren't severe enough (no vomiting or fever) so she said that only the severe cases did they want tested.  Here again I am amazed and the bizzare logic of the situation, since if you are that sick and you go into a doctors office, sure as hell the other sickies are gonna catch it from you.  Way to spread around the most contagious flu known to man, sickie.

Seriously though, I don't actually believe in swine flu.  Thats a fairy tale that only old people and people that watch Fox News believe in.

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