Monday, October 19, 2009


So I sucked it up and went to go see Zombieland last week.  I had reservations and a good idea of what it would be like, but I went to go see it anyway.
I was actually pretty surprised however by the first 5 minutes, which was filled with lots of zombie gore and death, which set the tone for the rest of the movie, which was nothing like the first 5 minutes.  The rest of the movie was campy and devoid of plot, story or interesting characters or character development.  Instead it was a nerds wet fantasy, being that there aren't very many people, and those that are around are good looking people.  There is free stuff, no real danger, and lots and lots of pop culture references.  If there was a zombie apocolypse, Zombieland would be the reality tv show of an otherwise horrific scenario.

I could complain about all the different multitude of problems with the movie, but instead I'll just tell you that it's a good looking, uninspired feel-good campfest.  Come to think of it, gore aside it fits perfectly into the category of romantic comedy.  That's right, an awful romantic comedy with zombies far, far in the background.

I'm long past cynical, but hollywood has beaten the shit out of zombie movies over the past decade.  There are so many, and they are pretty much the same and aside from Shaun of the Dead (I liked it even though it was kind of a romantic comedy too...difference being I actually found it funny) only the original and remake of Night of the Living were amazing and anyone else who has tried to make a movie since has totally missed the point.  Yes your zombie gore and special effects are amazing, good job.  Oh yes and the fast movie zombies are so scarey and terrifying.  There I just pooped my pants, here take this poop as a testament to your amazing movie making skills.

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